
“I am a person who is built larger (not as in “well I’m big boned” excuse for being fat, but as in my skeleton has broader shoulders and hip bones and I am abnormally large chested).  Most people don’t believe me if I tell them I have an eating disorder.  ”How can you have an eating disorder, you’re not tiny?”  ”F**k you that’s how! Just because it is physically impossible for me to weight 80 lbs doesn’t mean I don’t fast for a day or two at a time or spend hours in the gym or have my head in a toilet.  It’s because ignorant a**es like you feed into the “nothing’s wrong” mentality.  It’s because I will never be good enough.  Even if I get so skinny that you can see my bones I will not be thin enough to be beautiful.  The high I get from not eating is the only way I can cope with life sometimes.  So before you tell me I don’t have an eating disorder walk a day or two in my shoes and see how fan-f***kin-tastic it is”.”

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